My work while mundane is necessary. I am a surveyor by trade. I manage the Kingdom's resources. I ensure the torches light at night pushing back the darkness, the refuge of brigands and even more monstrous creatures. I ensure the warding's on the town doors are set against the thieves that would stealthily enter. I quest for my lieges when their sometimes capricious ways demand this of me. To this end I have employed a party of adventurer's to help me in my tasks.
The Barbarian
A fighter by trade Wounded from his time at sea he has become ill tempered and brutish. Or perhaps that was his personality before the war. I did not know him then. This man is quick to anger and sometimes slow to think. His manner offends but his heart is true. A reliable soldier, he follows my orders after a bit of good natured prodding but refuses to accept command from any other, save my Lieutenant. His swarthy manner and his constant threats that he "will stab you" have ceased to be offensive but instead have become a part of how this motley group functions. He is easily seduced by small amounts of power and while trustworthy to myself is watched most closely for signs of betrayal against the others.
The Mage
I've known the Mage the longest of my adventurers. Diminutive but quick of mind. A man of order, quick to point out rules and regulations, quick to point out the short comings of my plans. He is well read, well traveled and provides enlightened conversation. His ostentatious garb marks him as Mage from first meeting. Wide brimmed hat, scarf and longcoat he stands out amongst my simpler dressed men. His weapon of choice the rapier, he is a master fencer, but his true weapon will always be his mind. A religious man at heart, he is gentle until riled. Like all Mages his handwriting is chicken scratch making his frequent written reports frustrating yet intriguing, making the simplest scroll a mystery to be solved instead of a simple listing of resources. The Mage can be difficult but is always interesting.
These descriptions make me think of magic the gathering, and have inspired me to produce playing cards based on these characters. We will have to discuss rules, game play, and copyright later.